Safeguarding the Longleaf Pine heritage for future generations

How much Longleaf Exisit today..

Standing at 80-100 ft, the majestic Longleaf pine symbolizes nature's resilience. Its open crown and long green needles are a sight to behold. The tree's history blends human and natural influences, contributing to the unique Southeastern ecosystem known as Longleaf Pine Savannah. Park-like groves and fire-adapted plants characterized this ecosystem. The Longleaf Pine holds rich historical and economic significance.

IIn the early 20th century, vast longleaf pine forests covered 90 million acres in the southern coastal plains. However, logging and farming industries have reduced this to just 3 percent of its original expanse.

Join the Conservancy


The Longleaf Conservancy's mission is to create a Forever Longleaf Forest and address the pressing issue of deforestation.

Discover the essence of
Longleaf Conservancy

At the Longleaf Conservancy, we are dedicated to safeguarding the rich heritage of Longleaf Pine ecosystems. Our mission encompasses protecting, preserving, and expanding these vital forests that support diverse wildlife and provide crucial environmental benefits. Join us in championing this natural treasure.

Contact Us

At the Longleaf Conservancy, we are eager to connect with individuals who share our commitment to the preservation of our precious Longleaf Pine forests. Please provide us with your information, and we will reach out promptly. Your support makes a difference!